
The knowledge monitor

Nur wer die Bedürfnisse und Formatwünsche der relevanten Akteur:innen im Tourismus kennt, kann die Wissensvermittlung so präzise wie möglich steuern. Auf welche Themen oder Teilaspekte bestimmter Themen legen Ihre DMOs wert? Welche Themen interessieren Ihren Betriebe wirklich? Mit unserem Wissensmonitor können Sie Themen und deren Relevanz für die verschiedenen Stakeholdergruppen erheben und einordnen.

Unser Angebot

Kern eines jeden erfolgreichen Weiterbildungsprojektes ist es, den Bedarf der Zielgruppen genau zu kennen und ihnen passende Inhalte anzubieten. Hierbei agieren wir auf drei Ebenen:


Strategic needs

Was müssen Ihre Kolleg:innen wissen, um optimal im Sinne Ihrer Strategie agieren zu können. Diesen Bedarf definieren wir gemeinsam in Workshops auf Basis Ihrer Strategie.


Self-defined demand

Was wollen Partner:innen selbst wissen, wo haben diese die größten Bedürfnisse. Diese Themen erheben wir mit benchmarkfähigen Online-Erhebungen und leiten Handlungsempfehlungen ab.


Externally defined demand

Was müssen Mitarbeitende der Branche wissen, was aber eventuell nur wenig interessant wirkt? Impressumspflichten, Arbeitssicherheit, Websitequalität? Wir prüfen hier teilautomatisiert hunderte Websites oder Social Media Kanäle.

Advantages for destinations & federal states

  • Your further training measures can be better adapted to the needs of be better adapted to the needs of service providers.
  • You can design larger training series and generate higher participant numbers. generate higher numbers of participants.
  • You can adapt the format and timing of training measures to best suit the the possibilities of the participants.


Mit unseren verschiedenen Weiterbildungslösungen für fast jeden Anwendungsfall können wir allen touristischen Akteuren eine passende Lösung anbieten!

WiMo for
cities & regions

  • 2 hours setup workshop
  • Welcome video
  • Customization to your look & feel
  • Basic evaluation
  • Results discussion
from €1,500

WiMo for

  • 2 hours setup workshop
  • Welcome video
  • Customization to your look & feel
  • Basic evaluation
  • Results discussion
from €1,750

WiMo for
federal states

  • 2 hours setup workshop
  • Welcome video
  • Customization to your look & feel
  • Basic evaluation
  • Results discussion
from €2,000

Add ons

Sie wollen mehr als "Standard"? Das verstehen wir und bieten daher diverse Anpassungs- und Individualisierungsbausteine für Ihren Wissensmonitor an:

Further question

Supplement our questionnaire with additional, individual questions tailored to your service providers and region.

per question€350


Do you want to know where you and your region stand? Compare your results with all results from German-speaking countries.

Own (sub-)topics or individual questions are excluded from this.

Federal state€2.500

Own (sub)topic

Supplement our questionnaire with additional, complete topics or subtopics or adapt our topics to your needs and those of your service providers.

per adaptation sub/theme€1.000

Real-time dashboard

At your request, we can set up a dashboard in which you can evaluate any relationships between the individual data records

The additional integration of your own (sub)topics or individual questions will be charged at cost.

Federal state€2.500


Do you need a comprehensive report? No problem! We will create a report for you based on your results and you can forward or submit it without further ado.


Dashboard customization

We are happy to customize our basic or real-time dashboard to your individual needs.

per hour€150

Regionale Erweiterung für den Wissensmonitor

Mit den regionalen Erweiterungen bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit maximale Synergien in Ihrem Bundesland, Ihrer Destination, Ihrer Region oder Ihrem Ort zu schaffen. Jeder Wissensmonitor lässt sich durch regionale Versionen erweitern.

Extra WiMo

As an LMO, provide your destinations with their own knowledge monitor using the "Add on DMO".
Your partners take over your knowledge monitor (your structure, questions and answers), can expand it with their own adaptations if necessary and communicate the knowledge monitor to regions, locations, companies and service providers for you. This ensures better results for everyone involved.

This "Extra WiMo" can be combined with most other add-ons: further questions, own topics, own dashboard, reports, benchmark.

per add on from€200

Extra WiMo
Places & Regions

As a DMO, you can provide your regions and locations with their own knowledge monitor using the "Locations & Regions" add-on.
Your partners take over your knowledge monitor (your structure, questions and answers), can expand it with their own adaptations if necessary and communicate the knowledge monitor to the companies and service providers for you. This ensures better results for everyone involved.

This "Extra WiMo" can be combined with most other add-ons: further questions, own topics, own dashboard, reports, benchmark.

per add on from€150

Extra WiMo
Bottom up

Your DMO or LMO runs a knowledge monitor and you would like to have your "own" one? Then expand the knowledge monitor of your LMO/DMO with your own extension:
You adopt the knowledge monitor of your LMO/DMO (structure, questions and answers), but can expand it with your own adaptations and communicate it directly to your companies and service providers. This gives everyone involved better results.

This "Extra WiMo" can be combined with most other add-ons: further questions, own topics, own dashboard, reports, benchmark.

per add on from€150

Quite a lot of options?

Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit uns! Wir stellen Ihnen gerne Ihre optimale Lösung vor!