
Miss die Transformationsbereitschaft in deiner Destination!

Call for Co-Development: Weil wir gemeinsam mehr erreichen können!

Continuous change and development is important in order to meet future challenges.
Everything is always changing – but where to?
This is a question that players in tourism often face.
DMOs serve as guidance and support for businesses.
However, the acceptance of the assistance offered often leaves a lot to be desired.
But why is that?
Is it always simply due to a lack of time and financial resources?
With our Transformability Index, we survey the current willingness of businesses in tourism regions to transform.
By intersecting various development models, we can use a short online survey to map which businesses are currently in a rather stable state, i.e. are less receptive to change, and which can easily respond to our efforts.
We show which areas currently have the greatest potential for transformation and where the obstacles to development lie in other areas.

Be part of something new!

Mit dem Transformability Index erhalten DMO die Möglichkeit, die eigenen Innenkommunikation maßgeblich zu verbessern und ihre strategischen Interessen um ein Vielfaches effektiver in die Region zu tragen. Somit steigern wir gemeinsam die Zukunftsfähigkeit der regionalen Wirtschafs- und Lebensräume. Für die finale Ausarbeitung des Tourism Transformability Indexes und den proof of concept suchen wir Pilotregionen. Eure Chance, Teil etwas komplett Neuen zu sein!

Spiral Dynamics, Theory U und mehr

Diverse Ansätze, ein Ziel


Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics is a concept that illuminates the development of value systems in individuals and collectives.
Developed on the foundations of Don Beck, Chris Cowan and the theories of Clare W. Graves, it provides a map of the development of human consciousness with its color-coded levels.
These levels range from fundamental survival instincts to highly integrated and holistic world views.
This concept can be easily transferred to the analysis of maturity levels of companies.
In the dynamic world of tourism, this model can be a tool to revisit the transformative capacity of businesses of all kinds – from hotels to restaurants to tourist information centers – and to understand how this capacity influences adaptability to rapidly changing conditions, be they global, social or market-related.


Further approaches

In conjunction with other approaches such as Theory U, the change formula or the Future Skillsets, we have succeeded in reducing the complexity of companies’ readiness for transformation to such an extent that we obtain a processable number of indicators that enable significantly more proactive work within the individual sub-areas and at the level of individual companies.
In different subject areas, we can make statements as to whether an individual company is currently prepared to develop further and, if so, in which subject areas.
In addition, we can make certain statements per subject area as to which aspects are currently slowing down the transformation in this subject area and which skills are needed in the company to resolve this situation.
The result is a benchmark-capable, regional index that is calculated from data from individual companies and at the same time provides concrete lines of argumentation that match both the strategic orientation of the DMO and the current maturity level of the company.

Ungenutzte Potenziale nutzen

Ein Index, viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten: Strategieentwicklung, Umsetzungsmanagement, Kommunikation, ...

The data from the Transformability Index illustrates the areas in which transformation is possible and which are currently the biggest hurdles in the various areas.
By prioritizing the focus areas, conclusions can be drawn about the role of the DMO as a whole, as well as communication guidelines for addressing the companies.
A benchmark comparison makes it possible to identify other DMOs with similar challenges and to facilitate an exchange on an equal footing.
In short, our Transformability Index can become the basis on which tourism organizations at all levels can build and evaluate their work. We enable change.
For a better tomorrow.